2021. 4. 7. 09:54카테고리 없음


Wasserstein GAN with Gradient Penalty (WGAN-GP)


Wasserstein GAN은 GAN의 대표적인 문제인 학습 불안정성과 mode collapse를 해결하고자 새로운 목적함수, W-Loss를 제안 한다. 또한, WGAN의 Lipschitz continuity 조건을 만족시키기 위해서 초기 형태인 WGAN-CP 그리고 더 발전된 형태인 WGAN-GP가 제안되었다.

  • WGAN-CP: Wasserstein GAN using Weight Clipping
  • WGAN-GP: Wasserstein GAN using Gradient Penalty

Fun Fact: Wasserstein is named after a mathematician at Penn State, Leonid Vaseršteĭn. You'll see it abbreviated to W (e.g. WGAN, W-loss, W-distance).

  • Generator loss: critic의 생성 이미지 판별값에 음수(-)를 취함.
  • Critic loss: critic의 실제 이미지와 생성 이미지 판별값 그리고 Gradient penalty.


def get_gen_loss(crit_fake_pred):
    Return the loss of a generator given the critic's scores of the generator's fake images.
        crit_fake_pred: the critic's scores of the fake images
        gen_loss: a scalar loss value for the current batch of the generator
    gen_loss = -crit_fake_pred.mean()
    return gen_loss

def get_gradient(crit, real, fake, epsilon):
    Return the gradient of the critic's scores with respect to mixes of real and fake images.
        crit: the critic model
        real: a batch of real images
        fake: a batch of fake images
        epsilon: a vector of the uniformly random proportions of real/fake per mixed image
        gradient: the gradient of the critic's scores, with respect to the mixed image
    mixed_images = real * epsilon + fake * (1 - epsilon)    # Mix the images together
    mixed_scores = crit(mixed_images)    # Calculate the critic's scores on the mixed images

    # Take the gradient of the scores with respect to the images
    gradient = torch.autograd.grad(
        inputs=mixed_images, # take the gradient of outputs with respect to inputs.
    return gradient

def get_crit_loss(crit_fake_pred, crit_real_pred, gp, c_lambda):
    Return the loss of a critic given the critic's scores for fake and real images,
    the gradient penalty, and gradient penalty weight.
        crit_fake_pred: the critic's scores of the fake images
        crit_real_pred: the critic's scores of the real images
        gp: the unweighted gradient penalty
        c_lambda: the current weight of the gradient penalty 
        crit_loss: a scalar for the critic's loss, accounting for the relevant factors
    crit_loss = -crit_real_pred + crit_fake_pred + c_lambda * gp
    return crit_loss.mean()


  • 학습은 안정적으로 변하고 mode collapse 문제를 해결한다.
  • 그렇지만, 생성된 이미지의 질이 좋아지는 것은 아니다.
  • Gradient Penalty를 계산해야하기 때문에 학습이 느려진다.
  • critic을 generator보다 많이 update 한다.
    • 이는 단지 학습 구조에 따른 차이로, 일반적으로 GAN에서는 generator를 critic보다 많이 학습한다.

